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Learn all about personal branding from

Lead PR Chick & Personal Brand Coach Naomi Garrick

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Writer's picture: Naomi - The PR ChickNaomi - The PR Chick

During this time of COVID19, countries have been shut down, borders have been closed, companies have been asked to close their doors and employees have been asked to work remotely. And while more physical doors are being closed every day, the internet is still up and running and open for business. Are you ready for this shift in the way we do business?

Today, I’m going to share with you some tips to jumpstart your own online brand.

Personal Branding is simple, it’s how you see yourself, how the rest of the world sees you and says about you (especially when you are not in the room) and now more than ever it’s what an online search says about you. Right now, is a great opportunity to start working on building your online brand and really connecting with your ideal audience, by either updating and enhancing your existing content or starting from scratch.

So, Where Do I Start?

1. Think about your job or profession, product or service, what knowledge, information or expertise could you be sharing with your ideal client?

2. List the online platforms that you are currently on?

a. Do you need to be on all of them?

b. Are you active on any of them?

c. Is your information up to date?

3. Update all your online profiles to include what you do, who do you do it for and the problem that you solve – this allows you to attract your ideal client or customer

4. Update your profile pictures on all platforms – it should be consistent with your brand, product or service – this is someone’s first online impression of you and your product or service.

5. Do a google search of your name, and see what already exists online about you and your brand – are you comfortable with what you see?

What Equipment Do You Need To Start?

1. A content plan – what are you going to share?

2. A smart phone that can take good quality images and videos

3. Phone stand or desktop tripod so that you can be hands-free while filming

4. Selfie Ring light – lighting can make a big difference to your finished production; If you don’t have a selfie ring light, simply pick a spot in your home with the best natural light.

5. A quiet space with reduced background noise or purchase a wireless lapel mic

What Can I Share?

1. Ensure that your content matches your profile. E.g. You can’t be in the business of selling shoes, but all the images on your profile are pictures/videos of you talking about hats.

2. Create a Content Plan – simply brainstorm and list the services you offer and the problems you solve for your clients and think about what can you share that will be of VALUE to your ideal client or customer. Is it tips about the product or service, or are they images with associated prices and steps to order?

3. Use your smart phone – use your smart phone to take pictures or videos of yourself or the product you are selling. You can shoot, edit and post information right from your phone.

4. Don’t be afraid to go LIVE and connect with your audience in real time.

What Platforms Can I Use?

1. Ask yourself, “Where do my clients live online?” – is it Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Linkedin, Tik Tok – you don’t have to be present on every online platform, but you definitely want to be where your ideal audience currently frequents online.

For some it may even be the local newspaper, maybe you could be writing and article relevant to your industry which will then shared in the print publication and also on their online publication to reach a larger audience.

2. What’s the best platform for me? This all depends on the type of content you will be presenting:

a. Instagram

i. Use this platform to tell your audience what you do using either images or video and direct them to other resources for detailed information like a contact number, email or website.

ii. Use features like: IG Stories, LIVE and IGTV to really connect with your audience. Use IGTV to create a video series E.g 5 Tips On Working From Home

iii. ‘Swipe Up’ feature can take your audience directly to more information on your website, sales page, IGTV channel or article. You can currently use ‘Swipe Up’ to go straight to your IGTV channel, but you must have 10K followers to activate this feature for general use.

b. YouTube

i. You get to be the star of your very own TV channel, providing relevant content and information for your audience

ii. Being on YouTube will help you to get discovered in a google search

iii. An opportunity to grow your audience worldwide and monetize your channel

iv. Showcase your brands personality and products and services in action

c. Linkedin

i. Linkedin has over 500 Million Members!! This is where professionals share their knowledge and expertise and do business – a great platform to connect and share your expertise, generate leads and new customers

ii. Linkedin comes up in the top 5 search results

iii. Follow, Share and Engage with like-minded companies and individuals

iv. Share or Write articles related to your areas of expertise

v. Don’t just use this platform as your virtual resume holder – when last have you actually reviewed and updated this?

d. Website

i. Allows you to be fully in control of your content, look and feel

ii. Provide more detailed information about your product or service

iii. Write blog posts related to your industry or service

iv. Online payment options E.g

v. Many options to build free websites like

e. Email Marketing

i. Share content and information directly with your existing audience once you have email addresses

ii. Ensure to that you ask your audience to ‘opt-in’ to your mailing list, so that you don’t spam someone who isn’t interested in your content

iii. Use platforms like MailChimp and Constant Contact to start

iv. Build your email database

v. Offer a free downloadable product to get your ideal customer to subscribe to your mailing list. E.g A Free Ebook with Tips

A Few Online Branding Tips:-

1. Create content that will help to solve the problems of your ideal client or customer

2. Provide value and information

3. Be Authentic

4. Consistency is key – you don’t want to build up your following and then become absent on the platform. You want to build trust with your audience. Choose a time of day that you will post in order to create some level of momentum and consistency.

5. Engage and Interact with your audience – don’t be afraid to ask questions!

6. Get Feedback – this will help to guide you in sharing the right type of content

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